Board Chair’s Letter

February 7, 2025
Dear friends,
As a fellow Korean American and fellow physician, I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your next board chairman for the ensuing 3 years.
We meaning “KAMA” has endured many challenges over the past 50 years and I was there to witness at least last 25 years of our history.
We were able to maintain this legacy due to leadership and sacrifices of many Korean American physicians. KAMA which began as a casual fellowship organization among immigrant physicians now have transitioned and successfully led by the bridging generation and hopefully hand off to 2nd generation Korean American physicians.
In the past 50 years, we have accomplished many things and I will mention few important items in case you didn’t know.
1. KAMA was registered as a 501c-3 nonprofit organization with foundation arm
2. KAMA has published nationally recognized journals registered with the library of Congress.
3. KAMA has a bylaw strong and non discriminating and went through many revisions to work best for the organization.
4. Quality of scientific conventions have improved immensely with quality of speakers and topics that are cutting edge in medicine.
5. Also our conventions are more down to business rather than play golf and no more alumni dinners and events solely by a single medical school alumni. Instead we have a GALA dinner with programs together.
6. On a positive note is KAMA has supported and embraced KAMSA and KAMRAF which are medical students, residents and fellows who will be our future members.
7. Organizational foundation of KAMA has also changed and run by Board while President is responsible for the annual convention.
8. KAMA has attained a delegate seat with voting at the AMA house of delegates from 2006-2011. Seat was temporarily lost due to our members not having AMA membership. But we are trying to get that delegate seat back. In the meantime, we have kindled a great relationship with AMA as their leaders are invited to our annual convention as a speaker.
During my term of office, I want to make KAMA a true national organization known to all physicians and not to few around Korean American doctor circles. We can do this with increasing our membership drive and help from each and every one of you.
Also, we desperately need a place called home. Currently we don’t even have a rented office. This is a sad situation for an organization that has endured for a half century.
I’m going to secure a matching fund from our mother country, Korea 동포청. And then we are going to have the biggest fund raising drive ever. Don’t worry, you will have ample opportunity to make donations and claim naming rights.
I am truly excited to begin this journey for our KAMA legacy. Will you join me today and become a member?
You will be getting in on a ride of your life with pride and joy but also have something to share with your family and friends and leave behind a legacy for the future generations.
After all, KAMA is the only and the largest Korean American organization representing Korean AMERICAN physicians in U.S.
Sincerely yours,
K. John Yun, MD, FACS