Member Biography

K. John Yun, MD, FACS
Dr. Yun is an otolaryngologist with Baptist Health ENT, specializing in facial plastics, ear, nose, throat, allergy, endocrine, head and neck surgery. Dr. Yun serves his profession and advocates for his patients by being involved as leader in many organized medical societies of local, state and national.
Dr. Yun was recognized and awarded in 2011 at the “60 Years of Korea Medicine” celebration in New York City by Chin, Soo Hee, Health and Welfare Minister of South Korea for service to KAMA and Korean American community for his role in obtaining historic voting privilege in the AMA for KAMA as the first ethnic medical society. For the past twenty plus years, he has been a part of the American Medical Association in various capacities as Delegate of Specialty, Service, and Society Representative of KAMA and as Kentucky delegation serving as Board of Trustee of the Kentucky Medical Association. For his services for KAMA, he was awarded Leadership and Service Award in 2004 and Chai Chang Choi Award in 2017. He has authored several academic journal articles and still closely involves himself in teaching by serving as clinical professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Yun has lectured to local, national, and international colleagues and for his dedication in teaching, Dr. Yun was nominated and awarded by medical students for the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2016. Outside of medicine, Dr. Yun is actively involved in multiple nonprofit local, regional, and national organizations for the past 30 years in various capacities and in 2024, he was nominated and awarded lifetime achievement award by US President, Joseph Biden.